Saturday, December 8, 2007

Juan Pedro

Juan Pedro is the husband of Cleofilas in "Women Hollering Creek", a marriage that was arranged by her father. The nature of such a marriage is meant to starkly contrast the passion that so strongly defines Cleofilas. Similarly, Juan Pedro contrasts the nature of Cleofilas; unlike her obsession with "lace" and "butterflies", he is described as "husky" with a beer belly. He is often seen as a master figure, unappreciative of romance and true love. Pedro, like Cleofilas, has been betrayed by his own fantasies and he turns this anger on Cleofilas. While Cleofilas is obsessed with her telenovias he is constantly working at a low-leve job in a factory; this aspect of the text further embodies the contrast of Pedro and Cleofilas- she is ideological while he is rational. In this light, Cleofilas's decision to run away becomes much more symbolic.

Jacob Erickson

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