Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Bianca Pride

The Bianca Pride is the cruise ship on which Avey Johnson sail at the beginning of Praisesong for the Widow. “Bianca Pride,” loosely translated from Italian, means “White Pride,” which reflects the whitewashing Avey endures since moving to North White Plains. Avey’s conformity to white, upper-middle class America and her neglect of her African-American roots are the causes of her sick and unsettled feelings throughout the novel. She suffers from a mysterious “gorging” feeling, implying an over-indulgence of excesses (i.e. clothes, jewelry). Not until going with Lebert does she purge the excesses out of her life and gets back in touch with her African heritage. Marshall uses subtle hints, like naming a boat “Bianca Pride” and a neighborhood “North White Plains,” in this novel to advocate the embracing of one’s cultural heritage.

Rebecca Cuffley

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