Tuesday, October 23, 2007

"three instead of six, and I don't care if you do go and tell John"

Pamela Legge

This ID is referring to Fanny Fern's Folly as it Flies. Here Fern is referring to the number of children in the average household and the affect that has on the woman. Fern, referring to all men as "John", wishes that women would have less children so they would be able to have less stress in their lives, and be able to attend to their other children Thoroughly. Fern also shows how with such a large number of children in the household, a woman can not be expected to take care of the children, house, husband, and chores and not complain. With this simple line Fern is reflecting on the fact that by lessening the number of children in a household, women will be more happy in their homes and more content.

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