Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Super Mom

In the reading “Folly as it flies” Fanny Fern expresses her worry about women’s health issues because of their selfish dedication to work “The more she can’t work, the more she will try to, till she drops in her tracks, unless, catching sight of her prospective coffin, she stops in time”(73). Ignoring their health state women tend to keep on with their daily complex routine of life because their only job is to keep the house and everyone in it in order. They need to keep living up to the typical image of an ideal woman that can handle the duties of a mother and a wife and a respectable in society in order to feel that they are doing their role in life properly. Because of this mentality they tend to keep on working disregarding any inconvenient health state and if not careful, end up harming themselves greatly to the point of death.

Zamara Jimenez

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